livestock genetics
suppliers and services. Exporters of sheep, goat and cattle semen
and embryos. |
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Limited Liability Company already has a 22 year experience on the
market with insemination doses. Since the founding the company
has excel led in high quality processing of its products and placing
of production throughout Slovakia. |
MTS Cryo
Stores provide offsite bio banking and cryostorage facilites for
biological specimens for use in medical institutes and universities
for research purposes, hospitals, vetenary organisations, various
agricultural sectors and government. |
Dovea Genetics is Ireland's leading provider of bovine dairy and beef semen. We offer bovine semen from a wide range of dairy and beef bulls to suit your farmnig system. |
A young,
modern and progressive genetic company. We belong to the biggest
genetic firm in the Czech Republic. We operate all over its territory
and we are continuously expanding. Now cover more than 20% of the
Czech market. |
Semen available
for export and commercial AI from a selection of top-class British
breeds.All high health status and from milk-recorded stock.Embryos
to order, implanted overseas if required. Goat AI equipment and
liquid nitrogen tanks available for inseminators. |
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