agricultural machinery directories, on-line magazines, search
engines |
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is a global search engine for used agricultural machines and farming
equipment. It contains over 250,000 listings from thousands of sellers
around the world. |
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Antique Tractors
Forum is a place dedictaed to sharing pictures & discussing
antique tractors & machinery. Everybody's welcome and the atmosphere
is very friendly. |
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Ag Dealer
is the premiere farm equipment, supply & services magazine in
Canada, with publications covering every major farming region in
the country. |
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The Global
Agricultural Machinery and Farm Equipment Directory aims to provide
a focal point for all those with an interest in the mechanization
of agriculture, encompassing hand tools, animal traction and engine
driven machinery. |
It takes dedication, patience and unwavering attention to detail to restore a tractor to the exacting standards of Ferguson TE20 owner Colin Taylor. |
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