An exciting new conventional oilseed rape combining Lioness-level
gross output with Canberra-strength resistance to both stem canker
and light leaf spot, Excalibur-like earliness of flowering and
maturity, and a short, lodging-resistant stem has been launched
this season by Frontier Agriculture.
Oilseed Rape
Catalina is the latest high output, short-strawed variety to emerge
from the breeding programme responsible for long-time grower’s
favourite, Canberra.
A candidate for Recommendation later this year, the new variety
has outperformed benchmark Winner in official National List and
BSPB trials to date, with gross outputs equalling NK Bravour and
Lioness in the key HGCA southern region.
Frontier’s own variety trials on the Yorkshire Wolds further
show Catalina producing at the level of both these RL gross output
leaders, albeit not quite matching new generation hybrid, Excalibur.
”Catalina has really captured the imagination of growers who follow our
trials, “ comments Frontier national trials manager, Jim Carswell. “To
start with it has shown the sort of early crop vigour generally associated
with hybrids.
“It’s also shorter than most other higher output varieties
but not too short, giving just the right combination of performance
and manageability. What’s more, it’s unsurpassed in
its combination of phoma and light leaf spot resistance, offering
valuable flexibility for autumn spray timings. And it boasts very
good standing power.”
“Like Excalibur it has the benefit of being notably early
to harvest, maturing a good
4-5 days ahead of most other varieties,” he stresses. “Combined
with a relative earliness of flowering that ensures a good grain
fill period, this can have huge advantages in commercial practice;
not least in allowing the oilseed rape harvest to be spread for
greatest efficiency and flexibility, and in giving valuable extra
time ahead of wheat harvesting.
“Our experience with the variety to date shows it to be
as consistent as one might expect from a stablemate of Canberra. This
is backed-up by its highly consistent performance under a wide
range of conditions in several years of development and proving
trials across Europe.”
”Catalina looks like being one of the most solid and reliable conventional
varieties to come forward in recent years,” Jim Carswell concludes. “Alongside
very high yields, this is likely to make it a particularly good bet for growers
keen to maximise their OSR output while minimising their overall production
Late sown hybrid winter OSR demonstrates high yields
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