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Stackyard News Sep 05

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Milestone for Scottish Beef Industry

Older Cattle To Enter Food Chain Subject To Safeguards


MLC chief welcomes OTMS lifting

photo courtesy of
charolais cattle

Meat and Livestock Commission Director General Kevin Roberts, commenting on the announcement that older cattle will once again be allowed to enter the food chain subject to safeguards, said: "This is great news for the British beef industry and has been widely signalled for more than a year. "It is a testament to the tireless work by us all - industry and government.

"We estimate this move will see an additional 185,000 tonnes of British beef come back to the market in 2006, representing a 27% increase in home production.

"We want to see this not only displace some of the beef imports into Britain, but also find a home in helping to address the continuing EU-wide tight supply situation for manufacturing grade beef - once exports become normalised."

* An MLC Market Impact paper is available from

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Meat and Livestock Commission