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Stackyard News Dec 05

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    Clear Pork Labelling A Must Says BPEX

Transparent labelling is an absolute must so consumers can make an informed choice about the pork they buy says the British Pig Executive.

The renewed call comes in the wake of a Dispatches programme on Channel 4 which highlighted some of the problems of misleading labelling.

Then main problems were put under the spotlight by members of LIPs, Ladies in Pigs, who were conducting a PorkWatch survey to check on how much British pig meat was on supermarket shelves and how it is labelled.

LIPs, who tour the country promoting British pig meat, spotlighted examples of misleading labels on products bought from major supermarkets which seemed to be British but weren't.

The high standards of British pig production were demonstrated by BPEX member Meryl Ward who was filmed with pregnant sows loose housed in deep straw showing how good an indoor unit could be.

BPEX Chief Executive Mick Sloyan said: "Much of the pig meat imported into this country would be illegal to produce here so clear labelling is essential for consumers to be able to make an informed choice.

"There are some examples of labelling of products which appears to show they are British when in fact they are made from imported pig meat.

"We are not asking for special treatment. We are only too happy to compete with imported pig meat but we want everybody to be very clear about what they are selling."

link Mixed News On Production Costs
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link BPEX bids for Olympic Gold

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