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Stackyard News Dec 05

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TB measures too little, too late

RABDF says Defra's TB measures are 'too little, too late' and calls for reassessment of pedigree stock compensation.

The Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers has welcomed Government's announcement for new measures to tackle bovine TB, however it claims they offer 'too little, too late' and has called for a reassessment of compensation for pedigree stock.

"We are grateful that Government is recognising the real and massive problem of TB control among cattle and wild life populations, and we applaud its intents to develop an industry partnership to advise on TB policies. However these measures are 'too little, too late'," explains RABDF chairman, Tim Brigstocke. "We as an association are concerned that the Government's measures are unfair to farmers and do not address the wild life issue which in parts of the country is causing the spread of the disease. Furthermore, a thinly veiled hand of the Treasury is very apparent within the measures.

"Firstly, the new method of compensation paid to farmers for individual animals features a table valuation system based on average monthly market prices, therefore it is more than likely to under value high genetic merit animals," he says. "Consequently, RABDF will be urging Government to introduce, from immediate effect, an independent valuation panel to assess compensation for pedigree animals, and for an appeals procedure to be available."

Secondly, while farmers will be subject to pre-movement cattle tests and the new valuation system from February, the wild life vector is being treated with 'kid gloves', he says. "Government is to undertake a three month consultation period on badger culling options. This will cause further delay before any action is taken of several more months and the potential for this insidious disease to continue to spread leading to further economic hardship for farmers and rural communities.

"Finally, RABDF is concerned that Government has ignored completely the fact animal disease does not recognise national boundaries. It is shear lunacy that Defra's measures to tackle TB are not being applied UK wide."

link Defra TB Plan Must Support Scottish Approach
link Badger trust welcomes TB testing
link Defra Announces New Measures To Tackle Bovine TB In England

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