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Stackyard News Jan 06

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£5.5 Million Boost For Beef

NEW opportunities for beef presented by the end of a ban on animals aged over 30 months are to be met with a £5.5 million campaign from the English Beef and Lamb Executive.

Beefy and Lamby TV campaign
Beefy and Lamby TV campaign

Funded by Defra the three-year campaign, to have a March launch, will concentrate funding in four areas:

  • £2.5 million on marketing. A new Beefy and Lamby TV advert and a new Press advert for women's magazines and Sunday supplements will spearhead the minced beef promotion backed by PR and further promotional work.
  • £1 million on trade support. Multiple retailers, independent butchers and food outlets such as pubs, hotels and restaurants will be supplied with promotions and materials such as posters and recipe booklets to boost sales.
  • £1.7 million on exports. Once the export ban on beef is lifted EBLEX will be standing ready with a programme of events to re-launch export sales.
  • £300,000 on producer support. This will include a series of export and advice seminars to help producers understand what the market needs.

Head of Marketing for eblex, Andrew Garvey, said: “With the ending of OTM we have the opportunity to further increase awareness of the Quality Standard Mark - the industry's brand - sell Quality Standard beef mince on to the market and let people make positive choices about what they buy.

“The ending of the export ban will also offer a big boost to our export opportunities to countries which love more mature beef cuts.”

link Hogget Producers Should Learn Lessons of 2005
link Is There Life After CAP Reform?
link Major Challenge for Fledgling Cull Cow Market

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