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Stackyard News Feb 06

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    Dissemination On Insemination

Improving the breeding herd performance on UK pig farms is the task set Angela Cliff who has just joined the British Pig Executive (BPEX).

Angela Cliff

Angela, who has come from pig genetics company JSR Genetics Ltd has a vital role to play as part of the BPEX strategy to reduce the costs of production within the UK industry. The aim is that this will, in turn, lead to a much-improved competitive position of the UK industry within Europe.

Her responsibilities will include building close links to all UK AI companies agreeing an audit protocol and a reference lab system that will monitor the quality of the AI arriving on-farm.

She will be heavily involved working with producers, producer groups and veterinary practices to ensure that best breeding herd management practice is disseminated to the industry as rapidly as possible.

Angela, who has been in the pig industry all her working life, said: "I have specialised in AI in the pig industry since 1990 and am looking forward to using what I have learned to help the British pig industry.

"The challenge from BPEX Director of Pig Industry Development Mark Wilson to achieve an extra two pigs sold per sow per year is achievable but not easy and it is a major part of what I am working towards."

link Pork - Low Fat, High Impact!
link Peering Into Pig Industry's Future
link BPEX Challenge To Pig Industry

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