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Stackyard News Feb 06

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How To Be A Select Beef Producer

WEST Midlands beef farmers are being invited to a free "hands on" cattle selection experience by the English Beef and Lamb Executive (EBLEX).

beef cattle

And with only 12 places available, it will be a case of "first come, first served" at the Harper Adams School of Agriculture at Newport, Shropshire on Tuesday, February 21. Although, for unlucky applicants, two additional days at Harper Adams are being planned for March.

The cattle handling and selection for slaughter skills day will include a presentation on key points to do with cattle selection and the EUROP grid, followed by practical handling, weighing and estimating of grades for differing groups of cattle.

The day is part of the West Midlands Better Returns Vocational Training Scheme aimed at improving livestock farmers' skills through a programme of 75 events over three years.

The programme is managed by EBLEX and financed by Defra, England Rural Development Programme and the EU, along with industry contributions*.

Phil Hadley, EBLEX Industry Development Manager, said: "The aim of this day - and of the programme - is to improve the financial returns that livestock farmers in the West Midlands get for their efforts.

"This day will help hone their cattle selection for slaughter skills, with a view to the needs of the market, so they can maximise their income."

All participants will get copies of the latest EBLEX DVD and Manuals giving practical guidance on 'Targeted Beef Selection and Handling'.

This series of hands-on educational events is open to all producers from Staffordshire, Shropshire, Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire and West Midlands.

For further information and to book a place call the EBLEX 'Better Returns West Midlands' VTS on 0870 609 1840.

link Beef Outlook: Healthier Market Balance in Prospect
link Delight For Dutch At European Fine Food Fair
link EBLEX Targets French Meat Lovers

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