NEWS that butchers can continue the traditional practice of
hanging and maturing beef on the bone is a relief for the industry
says Richard Ali, Chief Executive of the English Beef and Lamb
Executive (EBLEX).
It had been feared that following the harmonisation of EU beef
rules, which included the lifting of the export ban on British
beef, the requirement relating to the licensing of operators allowed
to remove the vertebral column of cattle aged over two years could
have been restricted to meat plants only. As a result, butchers
would no longer have been able to purchase certain carcases for
maturation on their premises.
After considering the detrimental effect on consumer choice, the
Food Standards Agency (FSA ) Board yesterday decided butchers licensed
by their local authority would be able to continue to remove the
vertebral column of cattle aged up to 30 months.
This decision mirrors the practice in many other EU countries
which successfully operate this system.
Richard Ali said, “This is excellent news for farmers, for
butchers and for consumer choice.
“The FSA Board’s recognition that it makes sense to
allow butchers to retain the ability to hang and mature beef on
the bone prevents the industry losing trade worth more than £50
million per annum.”
EBLEX Hails British Beef Exports
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