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Stackyard News Jan 06

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    NFU Sets Out To Simplify Sheep Movement

ERADICATING complicated and bureaucratic rules that govern the way farmers move sheep has become one of the NFU's top priorities.

photo courtesy of

mule sheep

North West livestock board chairman, Thomas Binns, who farms at Hecklin Farm near Clitheroe, wants to see sheep movement regulations and their enforcement made easier, so he will be looking into the problem with some urgency.

Mr Binns is optimistic as he feels the Government, who have appointed an NFU member to look into this problem, share the NFU's concerns

"I am aware that sheep movement rules since the introduction of new European sheep identification regulations have become very very complicated and have been made increasingly difficult for sheep farmers to know if they are complying or not," said Mr Binns.

"I suggest that we set up a working group to simplify the situation but we don't have much time in which to achieve our goal.

"Sheep farmers who feel this red tape is fast becoming an unnecessary pressure on their business should know that the NFU through myself and the livestock board will be working tirelessly to find a solution that will benefit all producers."

link Independent review of livestock movement rules announced
link Flocks Must Abide by New Identification Rules
link Call for Minimum Bureaucracy in Sheep Tagging Rules

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