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Stackyard News Apr 06

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    Performance And Achievement Highlights Limousin Year

Aled Edwards

Aled Edwards

“The British Limousin Cattle Society and its members can reflect on another year of very satisfactory performance for the breed and Society.”  That’s the confident message from BLCS Chairman, Mr. Aled Edwards, Home Farm, Cilycwm, Llandovery, in the Society’s Annual Report and Accounts recently published to members for the year 2005.

A trend of long term growth is demonstrable throughout the report and reflects the continued strong progress in all areas of activity. In the year, the Society registered 17,982 pedigree calves – almost identical to the previous year and up almost 2,000 on 2003. Membership in the year increased by 132 to a total of 2,487 full members, a record Society figure and a total rise for the fourth year in a row. The report also features the BCMS figures for 2005 which show that 709,122 Limousin-sired cattle were registered in the year which maintains the breed’s 35% share of the UK’s annual beef registrations.  The Limousin breed has headed these figures for the ten consecutive years that they have been available.

As a continuing part of the Society’s breed improvement programme, a record £73,000 was paid back to members, an increase of £12,000 in the year.  Through this financially incentivised scheme, breeders have an extended animal quality assessment period within which they can choose to de-register any given animal, up to fifteen months of age, and receive a full cash registration refund. At the point of pedigree sale, Official Society and Breeders’ Sales grossed just under £4,250,000, again in line with previous years and representative of a figure of £81,379 per week.

In the year, the Society realized a prudent surplus of £49,038 which was ahead of budget forecasts.  The total level of Society retained funds is noted as a healthy £1,394,116 with this figure including £745,038 of listed investments.  

Mr. Edwards comments: “This sustained progress has been achieved one year into the
Single Farm Payment era.  It is clear that despite an uncertain industry, the income of beef farmers will be dependant on producing what the market wants in the most efficient manner possible.  Our aim must be to focus on and meet the demands of the commercial producer by delivering cattle with the required performance, predictability and profitability,” he said.

Through planned technical and marketing programmes, a commitment is given to utilize financial reserves in areas of innovation that will tailor and introduce services to directly meet the needs of the market and bring added value and efficiency to commercial customers and members alike. 

£100,000 over four years has been made available for the Society’s Limousin Herd Health Initiative.  In its first year, over £5000 was paid to members for 2600 calves from over 80 herds.  This is reported as a cornerstone initiative for the promotion of responsible Herd Health management and the provision of cattle with a high genetic merit and known health status.

In 2005, the Society delivered to its membership, through its founder member involvement with BASCO Data Ltd, a new interactive registration and database facility.  Ongoing development of the multi user, web enabled BASCO application is reported as being a long term Society investment in an advanced technology with the goal of enhancing value, functionality, efficiency and speed of service to members and customers.  It is further noted that in the course of the year the BASCO project has become inclusive of two major industry players in the shape of MLC Signet and the SAC. 

Mr. Edwards concluded his report to members by noting: “It is a forward objective for us all to be a professional, progressive, integrated Society providing an ever improving product to the market place and delivering expanded high level, added value services to breeders and commercial customers alike.”

The Society’s AGM will this year be held on the evening of Friday 5th May 2006 at Carlisle, prior to the Premier May Bull sale on Saturday 6th May.

link White Rose Group Limousin heifers sell to 3,600gns
link 3,000 is top price calf from Carlisle two day show and sale
link Local Breeder Tops Blonde Cattle Sale at Carlisle

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