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Stackyard News Apr 06

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Educational Day Out For Primary School Pupils at Scotsheep 2006

Pupils from primary schools in North Aberdeenshire and Moray are being given the opportunity of learning all about sheep at Scotland’s national sheep event.


Scotsheep 2006 is being staged at Wellheads, Huntly, courtesy of host farmer, John Gordon, on Wednesday, June 7.

It is being organised by the Scottish Region of the National Sheep Association with Bank of Scotland Corporate as major sponsor.

Provision is being made for up to 300 primary school pupils to attend the event as part of the Royal Northern Countryside Initiative’s on-going education programme with schools.

School groups will be taken on a conducted tour of the farm by a team of experienced stewards and various competitions and quizzes are being devised for their education and entertainment.

“We want the children to have an enjoyable day out while learning about the countryside and the environment and how their food is produced, with particular emphasis on Scotch lamb” said former RNCI chairman, Jim Arbuckle, who is education convener for the event.

“Children will have the opportunity of seeing ewes and lambs in their natural environment and there will also be a demonstration of wool spinning and weaving.”

Free transport and entry to the event is being provided by NSA Scotland and a dedicated education and information centre will provide seating for the children to enjoy their packed lunch – and a free ice cream kindly provided by Rizza’s of Huntly. There will also be an animal viewing area with hand-washing facilities.

The livestock on the farm at the time of the event will comprise 820 ewes and lambs and 230 beef cows and calves and other features will include various conservation and forestry projects, including new hedges and two ponds created for wildlife.

Other aspects of Scotsheep of interest to children will include displays of 28 breeds of sheep, sheepdog trials, sheep shearing and various practical demonstrations on sheep handling.

Schools wishing to attend Scotsheep are strongly advised to book now as places are limited and applications will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. The visit is open to all pupils from Primary 4 upwards.

Application should be made by MAY 3 to Ms Donna W Anderson, Education Assistant, Royal Northern Countryside Initiative, Glack, Castle Fraser, Inverurie. AB51 7LJ.

link Bank of Scotland to Sponsor Scotsheep 2006
link Scotsheep to return to Aberdeenshire In 2006
link Making the Grade with Lambs

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National Sheep Association