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Stackyard News May 06

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    New 'Hot Topic' Platform For Pig And Poultry Fair

A new information and advice theatre will be the platform for 'hot topics' affecting the pig and poultry industries at the national Pig and Poultry Fair, Stoneleigh, Warwickshire on May 9 and 10.

pig and poultry fair
Among the line-up of speakers is the Environment Agency who will host two seminars - one on each day - to kick off its campaign to producers in the run-up to the introduction of the Integrated Pollution Prevention Controls (IPPC) later in 2006.

“The IPPC will affect pig producers with more than 750 breeding sows or 2,000 production pigs and poultry producers with more than 40,000 birds – we estimate that this will affect about 1200 producers,” says agricultural policy manager for the Environment Agency Rob Robinson. “Producers have to apply for a permit to operate and they must do this between November 2006 and January 2007.”

The Environment Agency is running a campaign to help producers with their applications. “We will start at the Pig and Poultry Fair and discuss the main issues producers need to address in making their applications,” adds Mr Robinson. “Particular attention will be drawn to the preparation of supplementary information that includes a site report, odour management plans and manure management plans.”

With the imminent introduction of waste management controls for agriculture later this year, the Environment Agency will also use the seminars to outline the possible options for farmers to replace farm tips and burning as methods of removing categories of rubbish.

Defra will host a seminar on the threats of climate change climate change and how producers can reduce emissions, saving money in the process. A panel of experts from the UK Climate Impacts Programme, Low Carbon Futures and Rural Development Service will look at ways of reducing emissions and alternate sources of energy on farm.

"The farming industry will be presented with a number of challenges from climate change,” says John Webb of Defra communications directorate, who is co-ordinating the seminar. “It's important there is an active dialogue between producers, scientists and industry representatives, so that the threats and opportunities can be evaluated realistically."

Taking advantage of the new seminar area too is management software provider Agrosoft. Managing director Stephen Hall will look at the scope of pig recording, with pig producer Steve Hart discussing how this data can drive performance. As part of this seminar Mark Wilson of the British Pig Executive will offer advice on prioritising objectives by using records. “Every unit must set some challenging new performance targets for the year ahead,” says Mr Wilson. “And the key is to prioritise your objectives and to ensure that you use the hard facts from physical and financial records to support the decisions.

“Time spent on analysis of records to prioritise the targets for the year ahead is time well spent to make sure you are not missing out on some real opportunities.”

Organisers of the Pig and Poultry Fair, Haymarket Land Events, is placing the new information and advice theatre in the combined area of the Fair. All producers are welcome to attend. More details are available on the web site

Timetable - New Information and Advice Theatre
(To be held in the Combined Area at the British Pig and Poultry Fair)

Tuesday 9 May
12 noon - Devenish Nutrition New approaches to pig nutrition
1pm - Environment Agency IPPCs & Agricultural Waste Regulations
3pm - NFU IPPC & Agricultural Waste Regulations

Wednesday 10 May
10am - NFU Best Practice for Planning Applications (including diversification)
11am - Agrosoft Breaking Through – advantages of on- farm data recording
1pm - Environment Agency IPPCs & Agricultural Waste Regulations
2pm - Defra Climate change

The British Pig and Poultry Fair is organised and presented by Haymarket Land Events LLP on behalf of the Royal Agricultural Society of England.

Further details on the British Pig and Poultry Fair are available on the event website

link A Taste Of The Orient
link Import Pressure on UK Pig Industry
link Pig Industry Honour Awaits

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