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Stackyard News May 06

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    Ladies In Pigs a Smash at Newark Show

Pork belly with a rhubarb compote served with leek and potato mash was a smash for Ladies In Pigs at the Newark Show.

ladies in pigs

The show president, the off-duty Chief Constable, and an MP were button-holed by LIPs Nottinghamshire chairman Julia Blant who promoted British pork and lobbied for all meat sold on the showground to be British.

The show, held earlier this month, was a great success for LIPs as their stand won not only Best Agricultural Stand at the Show, but took the Cup for the best Stand at the Show overall.

Julia said: "We were really pleased to have won but the star of the show was the pork belly with rhubarb compote and leek and potato mash. Everyone loved that!

"The other recipes were also well received and I really liked the idea of mixing the flavours of vegetable served with meat and sauce - it worked well.

"It was also excellent timing to highlight our theme of locally produced food, as a food miles, local food campaign was launched at the show."


LIPs comprises pig farmers' wives who tour the country with a mobile kitchen, sponsored by the British Pig Executive (BPEX), promoting low fat British pork as the healthy option and showing new and interesting ways to cook it.

link Arable Farming? Just Add Pigs!
link Pig Yearbook Sees Encouraging View Of Pig Industry
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link AI - BPEX Helps To Get It Right

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newark show 2006