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Stackyard News Jun 06

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Farmers meet the challenges of climate change

Forum for the Future and the NFU have heard that their bid for funds to make farmers and land managers aware of measures to reduce climate change and its potential effects has been accepted.


The NFU and Forum for the Future have been awarded £123,566 for use during the first financial year of the project and £47,940 for the second year.

The money has been awarded from Defra’s Climate Challenge Fund which is enabling different sectors to reduce their contribution to climate change and respond to its impact.

For farmers and land managers, climate change is already having a direct effect on production and global markets. The agricultural sector is already reducing its dependence on fossil fuels and meeting demand for new products.

Peter Kendall, President of the NFU said: “This is good news and a recognition of the work the NFU is already doing to inform members on the effects of climate change. There is so much farmers and land managers can do to mitigate the effects of climate change and this money will make it possible to keep them up to date with the measures they should be taking.

“Working with Forum for the Future we plan to keep the sector up to date with the direct and indirect effects of climate change on agriculture and horticulture, outlining the practical ways in which land managers can respond to the impacts of climate change on their businesses.

Peter Madden, Chief Executive of Forum for the Future said: “Farmers will be at the forefront of dealing with climate change. They will have to cope with the impacts, and they can also play a big part in stopping it happening. We want to explain how they can do this in ways that save them money and bring wider benefits to society.

“One key element of the project will be to highlight practical examples of what farmers are already doing, so that others can follow suit.”

This project is a partnership between Forum for the Future, the UK sustainable development charity, and the National Farmers Union, representing the interests of farmers and growers in England and Wales, with a farming membership of over 60,000. This proposal also has the support of the Applied Research Forum, representing the seven agricultural levy boards.

link Buy Local Food and Fight Climate Change
link Farmers play key role in climate change solutions

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