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Stackyard News Jun 06

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Great Yorkshire Show Supports Operation Bumblebee

For the first time at the Great Yorkshire Show trial plots of grasses and wild flower mixtures have been planted in support of the "Operation Bumblebee" project, a national initiative to boost bumble bee numbers in arable farmland.

Visitors checking out the arable plots at the 2005 Great Yorkshire show.

visitors checking out the arable plots at the 2005 Great Yorkshire show.

The number of bumble bees on farms has declined by more than 70% in 20 years and planting field margins will not only combat this, but assist farmers gain crucial points for agri-environment scheme payments. It is hoped that farmers at the show will visit the plots and thus be encouraged to carry out similar schemes on their own farm, thus helping to improve the environment. The project is managed by Syngenta Crop Protection.

In the Arable Enterprise Area eight alternative crops have been sown, together with four varieties of malting barley. All have been sown, and are managed by Springdale Crop Synergies based in Driffield, East Yorkshire and are produced for the medical or plastics industries.

The crops are:

Crambe: a white flowered industrial oilseed used as a slip agent in the plastics industry.

Calendula: an orange flowered marigold used in specialist industrial/medical applications.

Echium: a purple and white flowered crop with use in anti-wrinkle or cosmetic applications.

Hemp: two varieties, one green/purple flowers with a dual use for both fibre and seed which is crushed for specialist food use oil, and another taller species for high quality fibre.

Sweet Quinola: a tall crop with green flowers used in specialist flours and stock forage

Camelina: Yellow floured oilseed used in cosmetic and nutraceutical applications.

Borage: Purple flowered oilseed again used in the nutraceutical industry.

The crops are together in the alternative farming area which is next to the Gold Gate.

The Great Yorkshire Show is at Harrogate and runs from Tuesday July 11 to Thursday 13 July

link The Great Yorkshire Show - Something for Everyone
link The Great Yorkshire Cheese & Dairy Show
link Great Yorkshire Show: The Art of Woodcraft
link A Record Breaking Great Yorkshire Show

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