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Stackyard News Jul 06

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Young Farmers Show Business Skills At Royal Show

The Tenant Farmers Association has congratulated the team from Pembrokeshire Young Farmers (William Lawrence and Nigel Raymond) who won the prestigious 2006 National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs’ Farm Business Development Competition at the Royal Show 2006.

Winners - William Lawrence and Nigel Raymond

William Lawrence and Nigel Raymond

The TFA’s National Vice Chairman Greg Bliss said “The Tenant Farmers Association is proud to be sponsoring and helping to judge the NFYFC’s National Farm Business Development Competition for the second year. In the competitive market for new tenancies and other opportunities for farming land, you have to be able to stand head and shoulders above the rest of the field and this competition is a good way to develop the skills to do that”.

The competition simulated a real-life, potential farm letting and pitted the competitors against each other to find out who would be offered the farm. The judges assumed the position of the landowner and had the task of awarding the farm to the best proposal from the ten teams entered.

“All the teams have tried hard and even if they have not been placed in the top four, all will have gained invaluable experience from this competition which will stand them in good stead when responding to real opportunities in the market place.” said Mr Bliss.

“The dream of running your own farm is shared by many. Those who have managed to make the dream a reality, especially in the absence of an existing family farm, are a more select bunch. This competition shows the potential that is out there. The farming industry now needs to create opportunities for these young people and once in, we need to retain them. The Fresh Start initiative, which is supported by the TFA, is attempting to address the need to attract new entrants into farming but we also need the commitment of landlords and older family members on owner-occupied farms to give these talented young people a chance.” said Mr Bliss.

The TFA is able to assist potential tenants who are considering entering into the industry, through its Associate Membership Scheme. Costing only £65 per year it gives new entrants access to advice and guidance including information on comparable rents.

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Tenant Farmers Association
Tenant Farmers Association