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Stackyard News Jul 06

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Sauvignon Leads Limousins At Great Yorkshire Show

Limousins secure Junior Team Interbreed, Junior Individual Interbreed, Reserve Individual Interbreed, Second Reserve Team Interbreed & Commercial titles.

Overall Supreme Champion - Sauvignon


Sauvignon, exhibited by the Crawford Brothers, Maguiresbridge, Co Fermanagh, Northern Ireland continued his fantastic show record this year when being awarded the Limousin Championship and Reserve Supreme Champion Interbreed titles at the Great Yorkshire Show on Tuesday 11th July 2006. Having stood Reserve Male Champion at the Royal Show, he went one better here.

Amid glorious sunshine in Harrogate, the Limousin judging had been a keenly fought affair under the watchful eye of judge Mr Alastair Graham of Tandragee, Co Armagh, N Ireland with French-bred bull Sauvignon finally receiving the Doug Lewis Perpetual Challenge Trophy from Mrs Sarah Cooper of Ripon Select Foods Ltd, who kindly sponsored the Limousin classes. It was a tremendous day for the Crawfords who went on to attain the Junior Limousin Championship as well as the Interbreed Junior Championship with their bull Vigot who had earlier stood Reserve to Sauvignon in the Limousin male classes.

Standing Reserve Overall was the Female Champion and Royal Show Burke Trophy winning in-calf heifer Kaprico Ultimate brought forward by AK & C Stafford, Houghton-le-Spring, Tyne and Wear. Reserve Female was the rising six year old cow Ravenellle from DA Williams, Shifnal, Shrops. Christine Williams and Richard Bartle also secured the Reserve Junior Championship with Wilodge Venelle.

On the Wednesday, Vigot and Wilodge Venelle teamed up with another Kaprico heifer and first prize winner Kaprico Athena together with Spage Vanilla from Mr W Campbell, Carnlough, Ballymena, N Ireland to convincingly win the Junior Interbreed Team competition. Earlier, a combination of Sauvignon, Millington Tangerine, Kaprico Ultimate and Kaprico Athena had stood second reserve in the Interbreed Team competition.

Not only in the pedigree sector but also in the commercial ring, did Limousins shine through. Taking the Commercial Beef Supreme Championship and along with it the Page Championship Trophy was a Limousin-cross heifer from BE Williams, Station Court, Sennybridge, Powys. Amid strong competition, this August 2005 born Limousin-sired heifer out of a Limousin cross cow, Miss Royal, - herself a 18 times summer show champion – was bred by Andrew Powell, The Grove, Knighton, Powys and shown by Sally Lloyd got the final nod from judge Mr S Watson, Carnoustie, Angus. Reserve Supreme Champion was Limousin-cross steer from Mr N Slack. The Reserve Champion steer from Messrs AD & A Richardson was again Limousin sired and the Reserve Heifer Champion from the Black N Blue Show Team & Mr T Burnett was once more out of a Limousin cross cow.


Overall Supreme Champion        Sauvignon                       Crawford Bros
Reserve                                            Kaprico Ultimate            AK & C Stafford

Female Champion                        Kaprico Ultimate             AK & C Stafford
Reserve                                           Ravenelle                        DA Williams

Male Champion                             Sauvignon                       Crawford Bros
Reserve                                           Vigot                                 Crawford Bros           

Junior Champion                           Vigot                                 Crawford Bros
Reserve                                           Wilodge Venelle            DA Williams

Bull born before 01.07.04
1st            Sauvignon                        Crawford Bros
2nd            Milbrook R2K                        W Campbell
3rd            Sarkley Topknot            JM & SP Cooper

Bull born 01.07.04-01.03.05
1st            Vigot                                    Crawford Bros
2nd            Rombalds Alphonso            Mr G Rowson
3rd            Brontemoor Anfield            Mr SM Priestley

Bull born after 01.03.05
1st            Brontemoor Aceofspades            Mr SM Priestley
2nd            Rombalds Ace                        Mr G Rowson
3rd            Queenshead AJ                        Mr JG Varley

Cow born before 31.12.02
1st            Ravenelle                        DA Williams
2nd            Millington Tangerine            Millington Grange Estate
3rd            Ronick Money                        DB Mairs & Co

Cow or in-calf heifer born 2003
1st            Kaprico Ultimate            AK & C Stafford

Heifer born 01.01.04-30.06.04
1st            Spage Valentine            Mr W Campbell
2nd            Newstart Viyella                        Mr D & Mrs M Cormack
3rd            Thornage Vicky                        Mr JF Allison

Heifer born 01.07.04-31.12.04
1st            Wilodge Venelle            DA Williams
2nd            Spage Vanilla                        Mr W Campbell
3rd            Scorboro Valencia            Mr JCG Bloom & Son

Heifer born 01.01.05-30.06.05
1st            Kaprico Athena                        AK & C Stafford
2nd            Wilodge Amolly                        DA Williams
3rd            Ironstone Anthea            Smiths of Bloxham

Group of Three from one exhibitor
1st            DA Williams
2nd            Mr W Campbell
3rd            Millington Grange Estate

Pair of Animals by Same Sire
1st            Milbrook R2K                        Mr W Campbell
2nd            Sultan                                    Mr SM Priestley           

link Royal Show crowns supreme champions
link Great Yorkshire Show 2006 - Another Successful Year
link Millington Tangerine Leads Limousin interbreed Hat-Trick At The Royal Highland

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Crawford Brothers