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Stackyard News Jul 06

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Act Now to Avoid Continued Double Tagging Risk

A great relief it undoubtedly is, but the extension of the temporary derogation from EU double tagging rules won by Defra for English sheep producers this month gives the industry barely six months grace in which to demonstrate its identification system is on a par with other member states, warns the English Beef and Lamb Executive (EBLEX).

rules for identifying sheep and goats

The extension of the derogation to June 2007 means another year without the extra expense and hassle of double tagging. However, it was hard won and involved undertakings on the robustness of the current national identification system which will have to be delivered in practice if the continued threat of double tagging is to be lifted from producers.

The undertakings will require some additional legislative changes which have yet to be fully clarified.  What is already clear, though, is that the system will have to pass a further inspection by EU Food & Veterinary Officers next February – the third in as many years.  This puts the onus on every sheep and goat producer to make sure they fully comply with the official identification rules within the coming six months.

EBLEX stresses that, although successful, the last FVO inspection raised concerns over a number of areas of current practice – including incomplete movement documents – which will need to be adequately addressed if the double tagging derogation is to be maintained.

In this respect, every producer needs to ensure:

  • All animals are tagged correctly in accordance with the rules;
  • All details required on movement documents are completed fully and accurately;
  • On-Farm Movement Books are kept up-to-date;
  • Any changes in registered keeper circumstances are reported to the RPA; and,
  • Annual Inventory Forms are completed and returned promptly when required.

There remains confusion with some producers over the detail of the rules introduced in 2005, which define individual holdings, set clear requirements for identifying all sheep and goats with specific types of ear tags and demand the recording of all movements to and from all holdings.The fact that sheep producers failing to conform to the animal identification and movement rules risk having improperly or un-identified stock excluded from the food chain as well as losing part of their single farm payment, makes it even more important for everyone to get everything right.

link Safeguard Productivity with Timely Ram MOT
link EU Sheep Tagging Derogation Secured
link Lambs Benefit From New Natural Plant Additive

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