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Stackyard News Aug 06

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    Clear Guidance For Farmers on NVZ Rules

NFU Scotland has welcomed new, clearer, guidance for farmers issued by the Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department (SEERAD) on the application of nitrogen to crops in Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZs).


The revised guidance note relates specifically to the application of inorganic nitrogen during the closed period and applies to autumn 2006 sown crops.

Research has been commissioned to determine agronomic benefits of nitrogen application and whilst this research is taking place, SEERAD are implementing an interim arrangement to which the current guidelines apply.

Scott Walker, NFUS Policy Director, said:

“The new guidance note is a significant improvement over what has been published previously. Not only is it clearer but it reduces some of the bureaucracy involved in the application of nitrogen in NVZs. All applications which meet the criteria set out in the guidance note must be recorded in the field records, but there is no need to notify the application to SEERAD offices, as was the case in previous years.

“We are very pleased that SEERAD has produced this clear guidance. It should resolve most of the problems which occurred last year, and reduce the bureaucratic burden on farmers and landowners. We also welcome the impending formation of a SEERAD NVZ Technical Stakeholder Group. This group will be able to address those issues which remain outstanding.”

link Nitrate Vulnerable Zones - Serious Questions To Answer
link Further Milk Price Blow
link New Nitrate Rules Could Wreck Industry

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National Farmers' Union
NFU Scotland