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Stackyard News Aug 06

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NFU 2006 arable crops survey launched

What effect has the heat wave had on crop yields this year? How has the CAP reform affected production in the UK? All this and much more will be answered in this year’s NFU Arable Crops Harvest Survey launched this week.


The annual report on combinable crops is the first source of recognised data on production in the UK and is published around a month before Defra’s official statistics - helping to keep members on the front foot in price negotiations.

NFU leaders are urging members to join the confidential survey to help build an accurate picture of this year’s harvest and ensure fair prices.

Chief adviser for the NFU’s combinable crops sector Guy Gagen said: “The statistics provided by this survey are vitally important. Accurate market information about supply is the single biggest influence on cereal prices.

“For many years the NFU has surveyed harvest results from members and this year it is available on-line for the first time making it even easier to join.

“The survey is strictly confidential and contributions help put the record straight on yields up to a month before the official statistics become available.”

The deadline for contributions is Sunday September 17.

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link Crop Market Update

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