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Stackyard News Oct 06

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The Dairy Event builds on success

The Dairy Event 2006, Europe’s premier technical industry event, continued to build on its previous successes according to its organisers, the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers. Visitor numbers to the two day event staged at Stoneleigh Park, Coventry last month were up significantly on the previous year, despite the continuing decline in the number of milk producers. In addition, exhibitor numbers increased from 390 to 400, while booked cattle entries have expanded by 15% since 2004 to more than 230 head.

dairy event

Hoof trimming, mixer wagons and robotic milking were among the most popular practical working demonstrations, while visitors to the silage clinic, with samples for analysis, were up 25% on 2005 and the new soil surgery attracted an unprecedented response.

“We were thoroughly pleased by the industry’s response to the Dairy Event with many companies across a wide product range, reporting good size orders placed, confirming our belief that this is the business to business event for the livestock industry,” says RABDF chief executive, Nick Everington. “Despite operating in a contracting sector, visitor numbers increased, particularly on the second day, which provided more quality time for farmers and exhibitors to talk and actually complete their negotiations.”

“Once again the event proved to offer the best place to catch up on all matters to do with dairy farming in the UK,” comments Pat Tomlinson, agriculture director with HSBC Bank, the event’s principal sponsor. “With the significant challenges currently facing the dairy sector, it was encouraging to see such an appetite for knowledge and expertise from so many. Whether it was understanding the background to the current milk market, or searching out new and exciting ways of reducing the costs of producing milk, we have no doubt that most visitors left the event at the very least, better informed and hopefully better equipped for profitable milk production.”

He adds: “HSBC Bank was pleased to have had the opportunity to demonstrate its continuing and long-term commitment to the UK dairy farming sector, by sponsoring the event for a 25th consecutive year in 2006. Thank you to all our customers, non customers and their advisors that visited our stand – we look forward to doing more business together in the very near future.”

link Dairy Hygiene Inspectorate and State Veterinary Service to merge
link Dairy Group Chairman Congratulates Dairy Farmer Of The Future
link The 24th Northern Expo Holstein Show

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