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Stackyard News Oct 06

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    Education at Countryside Live! Food and Farming Fair

There will be plenty for youngsters to get their teeth into in the Education Activity Zone at this year's Countryside Live Food and Farming Fair.

Andrew Wood, chef from the University of York sharing bread making skills with youngsters.

Andrew Wood, chef from the University of York sharing bread making skills with youngsters
The 'little sister' of the Great Yorkshire Show, the two-day event takes place on Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 October at the Showground in Harrogate and offers the best in rural life with plenty of fun for everyone. The Zone is sponsored by Bartlett & Co Ltd.

Food, glorious food is the theme in the Education Activity Zone, where activities will include a bread-making demonstration by Andrew Wood, a gold medal-winning chef from the University of York.

In addition, children can learn how to make cheese and butter courtesy of Askham Bryan College of York, and there's the chance to see how honey is produced with the Harrogate and Ripon Beekeepers' Association. Members of the Women's Food and Farming Union and Ladies in Pigs will be cooking up all manner of tasty dishes and offering recipes and advice on healthy eating.

Education Adviser for the Yorkshire Agricultural Society, Hazel Baker, said: "The emphasis in the Zone is firmly on learning through fun. There will be plenty of opportunities to get 'hands-on' over the weekend and we're sure all our visitors will enjoy the different activities.

"It's a chance to find out where our food really comes from and how much wonderful produce can be found in our region, and we hope it will encourage children to think more about the food on their plates."

With Halloween just around the corner, the hunt is on to find the best carved pumpkin in a special competition for youngsters. Entries can be taken to the Education Zone in Hall 1 at the Showground during the weekend, where they will be displayed and judged. First prize is a £25 book token, with a second prize of a £15 token and £10 for third place. In addition, book tokens are being offered as prizes in a painting competition. Also with a seasonal theme, those taking part have to decorate the outline of a pumpkin face each day.

Young visitors can also chat to 'pirate' Chris Powell, who will be on hand to give advice on recycling everything from printer cartridges to bottle tops in his role as community champion for Bettys and Taylors of Harrogate.

With a theme of turning trash into treasure, Chris set up the Cone Exchange several years ago, encouraging schoolchildren to make Christmas angels out of empty cardboard boxes from the company. They were then sold to raise money for charity.

Today, Chris collects items ranging from mobile phones and reading glasses to corks, stamps and foreign currency, and finds ways of re-using them - even if it's just passing them on to schools to use in craft projects. Look out for him in his distinctive pirate costume - and take the chance to discuss the importance of recycling.

Around Countryside Live, visitors can enjoy activities ranging from a death-defying display by the Xtreme Motor Cycle Team to the lines of cattle and sheep looking their best for the judges.

Leading chefs will create mouth-watering dishes in the Yorkshire Life Cookery Theatre, while the Village Green showcases country skills from barrel-making to watercolour painting. In addition, there will be plenty of stands loaded down with presents that are sure to make ideal Christmas gifts, plus a fruit, vegetable and flower show and climbing wall.

Countryside Live! is open from 9am to 5pm on the Saturday and from 9am to 4.30pm on the Sunday. Tickets cost £6 in advance, concessions £5, by calling the Ticket Hotline on 01423 541222 from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, or £8 on the door, concessions £7. Children up to the age of 18 are admitted free.

For more information, visit the website at or contact the organisers on 01423 541000.

link A “Sell Out” for Livestock at Countryside Live
link Cookery Stars Showcase Regional Food
link Countryside Live Food & Farming Fair 2006

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Countryside Live
Countryside Live