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Stackyard News Oct 06

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Ayrshire domination at Skipton Blue Texel show

Scottish breeder David Alexander achieved back-to-back championship successes at the second annual show and sale of pedigree Blue Texel sheep at Craven Cattle Marts’ Skipton Auction Mart. (Fri, Sept 29)

David Alexander and his Blue Texel champion

David Alexander and his Blue Texel champion

As at the inaugural 2005 fixture, again staged on behalf of the Blue Texel Society, David, of Millside Farm, Galston, Ayrshire, presented a home-bred shearling ram, out of one of his best ewes, to take this year’s title.

The champion returned to Ayrshire when joining Ian Campbell’s Craigalbert flock at Ballantrae for 800 guineas. Mr Campbell himself headed the prices when a three-shear ram sold for 870gns to Messrs Murray & Son, of Kirklinton, Cumbria. He also had a shearling ewe sell for 600gns to Tim Metcalfe, of Clayton, Bradford.

Messrs Alexander and Campbell both sold strongly throughout the sale, with the former following up on his reserve championship success at the pedigree Lleyns show the previous day. Both events highlight the growing prominence of pedigree breed fixtures at Skipton.

Blue Texel averages: Ram lambs to 360gns (av £306), shearling rams to 800gns (£455), aged ewes to 400gns (£399), shearling ewes to 600gns (£276), 3-shear ram 870gns.

link Wensleydale Longwool Sheep Show & Sale - Skipton
link Skipton Multi-Breeds Sheep Show Success
link Year's best price at Skipton Lleyn Sheep show

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