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Stackyard News Nov 06

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    Young Farmers Get "The Knowledge"

A new booklet aimed at helping Young Farmers judge livestock competitions has been launched by EBLEX.

National Primestock Show
photo courtesy

National Primestock Show
Up and coming livestock judges are to be given a chance to boost their skills thanks to the English Beef and Lamb Executive (EBLEX).

A new booklet packed with information about what to look for on finished cattle and sheep is to be launched at the National Primestock Show at Bingley, Staffs on November 18/19.

The pocket-sized guide, to be distributed through YFC (Young Farmers Clubs), has been produced through the EBLEX Beef and Sheep Better Returns Programmes and is illustrated with pictures and drawings of what to look for and charts showing the ideal fat levels and conformation for today’s markets.

Clive Brown, EBLEX Regional Manager for Western England, said: “It is hoped the booklet will give young farmers who are keen to get involved with stock judging the knowledge and confidence to go out there and give well informed opinions and come to sound decisions.

“It will not only help them with their judging, but also in producing their own livestock to the right specifications for today’s market place.”

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