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Stackyard News Nov 06

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    Pedigree Boost for British Lamb

SPECIALIST producer Richard Vaughan has thrown his weight behind moves to boost British meat exports.

Pedigree Meats

His firm, Pedigree Meats, of Herefordshire, supplied the meat used on the English Beef and Lamb Executive (EBLEX) stand at the Salone del Gusto in Turin, Italy.

The meat itself was from Ryeland sheep, a breed which was developed in the Ross area and was called "the sweet meat of Herefordshire".

The Salone is part of the Slow Food movement which aims to counteract fast food and fast life, the disappearance of local food traditions and people's dwindling interest in the food they eat.

Those aims fit in with Robert's philosophy which is to produce top quality meat which he now supplies to individuals and Michelin starred restaurants.

He said: "If the chateaux can do it for wine, I could see no reason why I couldn't do it for meat.

"The supermarkets are taking the cheaper end while, to continue the wine analogy, I am producing something more like the Chateau Lafite.

"I am supplying not only to individuals but also to Heston Blumenthal and restaurants such as the Gavroche."

The beef on the stand was traditional Hereford, supplied by the Rare Breeds Survival Trust.

MLC Export marketing Manager Jean Pierre Garnier said: "We are extremely grateful to both for the help they gave and the superb quality of the meat on display which made a real difference to our stand."

link Promoting English Beef and Lamb with Gusto
link British Livestock at Polagra 2006
link British Limousin at Polagra Agricultural Fair

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