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Stackyard News Nov 06

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NFU Scotland Welcomes New Lamb Pricing Practice

NFU Scotland has welcomed Defra’s decision, in agreement with meat wholesalers, to stop the long-standing practice of rounding down lamb carcass weights to the nearest 0.5 kg.


beltex lambs

Producers will welcome greater transparency in lamb carcass pricing.

The outgoing weighing system was adopted when manual scales were commonplace.  With digital scales it is no longer necessary to ‘round down’, although the practice was still being used.

SEERAD and Scottish meat wholesalers are happy with the decision and NFUS is pressing for a UK-wide start date to prevent trade distortion for farmers sending their lambs across the border.

NFUS vice-president Bob Howat said, “We are pleased to see an end to the outdated practice of rounding down carcass weights.  The new system encourages transparency and we look forward to it.”

link Heavy-weight win for NFU livestock board
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National Farmers' Union
NFU Scotland