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Stackyard News Dec 06

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Dairy UK in drive to promote exports

Dairy UK is launching an initiative to support dairy companies in their efforts to break into new overseas markets.

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Jim Begg, Director General of Dairy UK, said there is a growing realisation of the importance of developing new, overseas markets for British dairy products, and on thinking internationally in mapping out future business strategies.

“Trade liberalisation, CAP Reform, the WTO, globalisation, and the enlargement of the EU, are all having a major impact on the dairy market place. These developments are changing the way that companies do business and are creating new opportunities.

“Exploiting new markets is essential to aid profits in partnership with farmers, particularly at times of market pressure as now. The outlook for world demand is positive, so we must ‘fish where the fish are’.”

He said that Dairy UK is now encouraging closer involvement of British dairies with Food From Britain, the organisation dedicated to helping UK food and drink companies grow their business nationally and internationally.

A special programme of events for Dairy UK members has been arranged around the Food From Britain Export Awards and Network Forum in London this week (Wednesday 13th December).

“We will also be arranging a number of networking opportunities over the next few months and are in discussion with FFB to develop a programme of activity that will assist our members’ businesses.” added Mr Begg.

FFB Chief Executive David McNair said:” Our experience is that our dairy competitors overseas are reacting positively to the rapidly changing market dynamics for dairy products, and there is a real need for British dairy companies to be part of this process. The dairy supply chain can only benefit from an enhanced focus on exports, to complement the good work already being done on innovation and product development in existing markets. “

About Dairy UK

Dairy UK is the cross-industry body representing processors and distributors of liquid milk and dairy products, as well as farming interests and milk producer co-operatives. For more information visit

About Food from Britain

Food from Britain (FFB) is the market development consultancy for British food and drink and is funded by Government and industry. For more information visit

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