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Stackyard News Dec 06

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    Working Together For British Farming In 2007

The Tenant Farmers Association’s National Chairman, Reg Haydon, has called on all within the agricultural industry to work together to make 2007 a year of renaissance for British agriculture.

“Over the past 10 years our industry has suffered through factors beyond its control.  Issues such as, BSE, foot and mouth disease, bovine TB, CAP reform, increasing regulation, high energy prices and low output prices have all conspired to give farming problems.  Also, 2006 should have been the year when we began the process of transition from commodity support to a more market oriented system.  However, Mrs Beckett’s bungling on the Single Payment Scheme put paid to that and the ramifications of her mismanagement look set to last until at least 2008.” said Mr Haydon.

“It is clear that the Government is going to be of no specific benefit to our future prosperity as an industry.  Indeed the Government seems only to add to the burdens and costs which we face.  Whilst I believe that the Government will rue the day that it turned its face away from British farming, as an industry, we need to work together to find the solutions which will take us forward.” said Mr Haydon.

“2007 offers a wealth of opportunities to promote British farming.  These include the Year of Food and Farming announced by Sir Don Curry, the increasingly successful British Food Fortnight, the review of the statutory levy boards and the NFU’s “Why Farming Matters” campaign.  I will ensure that the Tenant Farmers Association works alongside other industry bodies to make these initiatives a success, not just for 2007, but into the future.” said Mr Haydon.

“There is a growing realisation in the wider public that the cheap food policy is unsustainable in the long-term.  There is a much greater demand for home-grown food of high quality in contrast to the country’s increasing reliance on cheap imports from countries with lower food production standards than our own.  British farming has many passionate individuals who need our support in driving the industry forward and the Tenant Farmers Association will do all it can to work with others to give them the right platform to do so.” said Mr Haydon.

link Farm Tenants should not be Disadvantaged on CAP Payments
link NFU Scotland Young Achiever Excellence Award
link Hidden Cost of Family Labour on Farm

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Tenant Farmers Association
Tenant Farmers Association