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Stackyard News Jan 07

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The UK Pesticide Guide 2007

The latest editions of The UK Pesticide Guide and The e-UK Pesticide Guide now offer farmers and growers, particularly those growing minor crops, the latest and most comprehensive information on specific off-label approvals (SOLAs) in one printed publication.

UK Pesticide Guide 2007

A total of 705 new SOLAs have been added this year to what is the most authoritative and invaluable pesticide guide, of UK approved products, for agriculture, horticulture, forestry and amenity use.

Both publications offer invaluable, detailed information on over 1,300 pesticide products in active use, including nine new active ingredients such as prosulfocarb, aminopyralid, dimethenamid and fluopicolide.

There is also reference to over 1,000 more products that are registered. The latest developments, following the conclusion of the first five years of the Voluntary Initiative programme, are also covered.

“This bumper 20th edition The UK Pesticide Guide, contains 40 more pages than last year, and aims to ensure that users have all the most up-to-date information available to them throughout the main spraying season,” explains the editor, Dick Whitehead. “As approved uses on product labels do not cover every pest or crop eventuality you may not be able to control a pest using a current on-label approval and a SOLA may need to be applied for.

UK Pesticide Guide 2007

That is why, for the 2007 UK Pesticide Guides, we have focussed on helping users meet their Statutory obligation to posses a SOLA notice before treatment and the CD-Rom version provides direct links to the SOLA notices at the Pesticides Safety Directorate (PSD) website as well as to the online database on Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs).

The Guides also contain information on the latest legislative changes and environmental guidance to help users complete Crop Protection Management Plans. And, to ensure that users have access to the latest information all the year round, free online news updates will be shown on the dedicated website at”

 “The e-UK Pesticide Guide 2007, contains everything that can be found in the book and more,” says Mr Whitehead. “The powerful search functionality of the CD-ROM makes it easy for the user to find products for a particular crop or pest either on-label or off-label. Other factors such as LERAP category, chemical type or supplier can be added to make the search even more detailed. Unique to the CD-ROM are plant growth stage illustrations, a glossary, comprehensive background information and a range of internet links for those who wish to research in greater depth.”

A free guided tour of The e-UK Pesticide Guide 2007 is available on-line at or a demonstration can be downloaded from the BCPC online Book Shop at

BCPC and CABI, are the joint publishers of the 2007 editions of these publications. The UK Pesticide Guide 2007 costs £37.50 and The e-UK Pesticide Guide 2006 costs £61.69 (inc. VAT) for a single use copy. Prices for network users are available on request.

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