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Stackyard News Feb 07

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Semex Holstein Bulls Top Three in Canadian Proofs

Semex bulls are showing they have what it takes to add to dairy producers’ bottom line, taking the top three rankings in the all-important Canadian Proofs’ Lifetime Profitability Index (LPI).

Brodmaple Pagewire Eliza

Brodmaple Pagewire Eliza
Retaining their Number One and Two positions are the now deceased Hartline Titanic, which has added 1500 daughters to its production proof, and Braedale Goldwyn, which also scored Number One for Conformation in the proofs.

And scorching in at Number Three to complete Semex’s LPI hat trick is its latest release – Dudoc Mr Burns. Newcomer Mr Burns boasts an impressive pedigree, being a son of Red-Carrier Markim Thunder out of Granduc Maggie Storm, one of the latest members of the well-known Storm family and whose dam is Granduc Marla Astre and granddam the highly respected Cloverlands Skylar Cherry-Red.

Producers breeding for shape, yield, quality and udder health will be impressed by Mr Burns’ vital statistics – +14 Conformation and +13 Mammary in Canada, translating to a +3.01 UK Type Merit and +2.77 UK Mammary. Mr Burns breeds tall, long, well-balanced cows with exceptional feet and very strongly attached, snug udders. With a UK Milk figure of +398kg, together with +0.01% Fat and +0.03% Protein, this hot sire delivers daughters with high yields and components.

“Mr Burns is just one example of the terrific sires we have in our portfolio meeting commercial producers’ needs on performance, health, reliability, longevity – and also affordability,” said Willie Tait, Semex’s Genetics Manager. “The long-term profitability prospects of this calibre of sire are exceptional and we’re seeing real interest from breeders wanting to improve their milk yield and quality in a sustainable way with strong, healthy cows and good value breeding packages.”

Braedale Pagewire, another sire from the renowned Gypsy Grand cow family, enters the Canadian LPI rankings at Number 11. A son of Inquirer Baler Twine, Pagewire is full brother of one of Semex’s most popular sires last year – Gillette Final Cut.

“This is another great sire, coming in strong on all commercial fronts,” said Willie Tait. “He has +13 Conformation and +2.69 Type Merit and production figures are persuasive – showing +519kg Milk, - 0.01% Fat and +0.03% Protein, together with 0 SCC a PLI of £61, on the UK MACE index. Pagewire breeds really beautiful cows – medium-sized and milky-looking, long and clean in the neck with flat, clean bone. Udders are soft and silky, and rumps have correct slope and nice width of pins, while the feet have a desirable angle and a uniform shape.”

Red enthusiasts will benefit from more choice, with two excellent red and white bulls, Mr Amery-Red and Idee Wire, entering the Semex portfolio. Mr Amery is a son of Lentini RC out of a Glen-Toctin Johnson RC daughter, and Idee Wire is a Rubens son. Both have a lot to offer producers, with desirable traits such as very correct feet and legs coming through.

link 500 Dalfibble Holsteins to Sell
link Semex Sires Show ‘Spirte’ in February UK Holstein Proofs
link Triple Top for Scottish Holstein Bulls

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