The standing of the British pedigree industry in Europe has again
been recognised with the election of British Limousin Cattle Society
Chairman, Aled Edwards, to the position of European Limousin President.
Aled Edwards,
European Limousin President.
Mr. Edwards from Home Farm, Cilycwm, Llandovery was unanimously elected
by the eleven member countries present at the Annual General Meeting
of EUROLIM, the federation of Limousin Herd Books within the European
Union, held in Paris during the recent Paris Agricultural Show. He
replaces Beppe Pantaleoni from Piacenza, Italy, who retired after six
years in office.
Since EUROLIM’s formation in 1989, this is the first time that
a British breeder has been elected as its President. Commenting on
the election, William Cowx, the British Limousin Cattle Society’s
President said; “This is a great honour for the BLCS and its
members and of course for Aled himself. I think this election is recognition
of the ongoing success and standing of the breed in the UK as well
as the abilities Aled will undoubtedly bring to this position.” Limousin
cattle populations are established in over seventy countries in the
world but it is only within the UK where Limousin is officially the
leading numerical breed.
In his opening address as President, Mr. Edwards was clear in identifying
the priorities and opportunities that lay ahead for EUROLIM and the
Limousin breed. He said: “As Europe grows, the role of EUROLIM
must be to promote and expand the breed into new markets and to be
fully inclusive of accession countries who require stock, breeding
and performance knowledge to establish their respective herdbooks.
In fast developing Eastern European markets, the world attributes of
the Limousin as the Carcase Breed and easy care breeding female are
driving a tremendous demand for the breed. It is EUROLIM’s role
to embrace these countries and help them take the next step.” In
September of this year Mr. Edwards will lead a EUROLIM delegation to
the Polagra Expo in Poznan, Poland where a seminar will be held to
outline the work of EUROLIM.
Since its inception, EUROLIM has adopted a body of internal rules
and regulations for transparency and trading quality among European
countries. A single European passport for registered animals and the
EUROLIM seal of approval, guarantees not only the origin but also zootechnical
information about animal performances. Its stated objectives include:
- to encourage the promotion and expansion of the Limousin breed
in the EU
- to improve the genetics of the Limousin breed within the EU
- to harmonise selection working methods and exchange research works
and information
- to make it easier for each of the associations to apply EU Directives
Following the EUROLIM AGM, the Board consists of the President Aled
Edwards (Italy), the Vice Presidents Bernard Roux (France) and Lol
Schintgen (Luxembourg), and the Secretary Sébastien Stamane
Aled Edwards was elected as Chairman of the British Limousin Cattle
Society in 2004. Along with his father David and mother Joan, they
run the prolific Dyfri pedigree Limousin herd which comprises of 100
breeding females.
is UK’s Largest Numerical Cattle Breed
Spring Spectacular Calf Show at Beef Expo 2007
Northern Ireland Limousin Breeder Triumphs in Paris