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Stackyard News May 07

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Longtown Primestock Sale

The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward 71 Prime cattle, 5 Young bulls, 11 OTM cattle, 487 Spring lambs, 6566 hoggs and 3079 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 17th May, 2007.

longtown prime sheep

In the cattle section more heavyweight clean cattle were on offer and trade was the same as last week. Top price of 136.5p was paid by Messrs Nattrass, Butcher, Carlisle for a Blonde heifer from J J Crichton, Loughrigg. Limousin 134.5p Dashwellgreen to Messrs Moor, 128.5p Dashwellgreen, 127.5p Hallburn. Blonde bullocks from Loughrigg to 132.5p also to Messrs Nattrass. Limousin 129.5p Hallburn & Dashwellgreen, 127.5p Houghton House, 126.5p The Gill. Charolais 125.5p Sceughdyke, 124.5p Hallburn.

Young bulls to 114.5p for Limousin from Southlambhill.

The small show of OTM cattle sold to 78.5p for Limousin cow from Becton Hall, Angus 73.5p Rinnion Hills, 67.5p Lynnshield.

A larger show of spring lambs met a brisk trade and were short of requirements to average 121p overall. The best to sell were 35 to 43 kilos to 152.7p for a Suffolk x lamb from Mossband House. Top price per head was £58.40 for Suffolk x from G Brough, Cleughfoot, others to £57.80 Henrys Hill, £56.90 Fenton, Texels £53.90 Old Rectory, £53.40 Cardew Hall.

Another large show of prime hoggs saw good meat up to 45 kilos good to sell, although heavy hoggs over 55 kilos were again difficult to sell. Top price per head was £62 for Suffolk hoggs from F Errington & Son, Sockbridge Hall. Cheviots £49.40 Smalmstown, £48.80 Craig View, Texels £51.80 Hudspeth, £50 Tappitlane & Craig View, Charollais £48 Tappitlane, Greyfaces £47.10 Sykehead, Blackfaces £46.90, £46.70 Smalmstown, £46.20 Barlaes, Beltex £46 Sockbridge Hall, Zwartbles £45.80 Mossband House, Kendal Roughs £46.20 Church View.
Top price per kilo for export hoggs was 124.1p for Beltex from Messrs Graham, Wreay and averaged 108p.

Light hoggs were again in demand to a top of 126.3p for Blackfaces from W G Gold, Craigdhu and averaged 107.5p. Top price per head was £42.10 for Texels from Sykehead, Suffolks £38.20 Craigdhu, Cheviots £40.80 Todhillrigg, £39.20 Beechcroft, Greyfaces £36.80 Sykehead, Blackfaces £38.20 Beechcroft, £37.80 Sykehead, Herdwicks £35.20 Haithwaite.

The cast ewes and rams were a larger entry and all classes met the dearest trade of the season, being short of requirements to average £46.71 overall.

Top was £78.50 for heavy Texel ewes from Easthouses and £74.50 Dinwoodie Green, £71.50 Lowthwaite. Suffolks to £66.50 Drinkstone, Suffolk x £70.50 Finchley, £66.50 Loughrigg, Rouges £56.50 Dinwoodie Green, Charollais £62.50 Tobemore, Halfbreds £63.50 Erwgoch, Leicesters £60.50 Peelo Hill, North Country Cheviots £55.50 Earlside, Beltex £67.50 Roadside, Greyfaces £44.50 Easthouse, £43.50 Denton Mains & Nether Albie, Masham £46.50 Finnis.

Hill ewes to £45 for Cheviots from Sockbridge Hall, Blackfaces £41.50 Finchley, £39.50 Peelo Hill, £38.50 Redgatehead. Swaledales £40.50 Lowclosegill, £39.50 Derwent House, £38.50 Denton Mains, Herdwicks £29.50 Dinwoodie Green, Lleyns £40.50 Harper Hill, Roughs £36.50 Church View.

Rams to £77.50 for Texels from Erwgoch, Suffolks £68.50 Tobermore, Charollais £73.50 Easthouse, Leicesters £62.50 Peelo Hill, Cheviots £50 Ballyclare, Beltex £44.50 Roadside, Dorset £64.50 Newry, Blackfaces £36.50 Easthouse, Wensleydale £56.50 Roadside, Kendal Roughs £42.50 Church View.

Medium to 125.5p (125.5 p)
Heavy to 132.5p (117.2p)

Medium to 114.5p (114.5p)
Heavy to 136.5p (116.9p)

Young Beef Bulls to 114.5p (106.1p)

Light to 126.3p (106.7p)
Standard to 124.1p (108.8p)
Medium to 114.5p (106.3p)
Heavy to 105.6p ( 84.6p)
Others to 100.0p ( 70.2p)

Light to 152.7p (152.7p)
Standard to 139.1p (129.6p)
Medium to 129.7p (121.8p)
Heavy to 116.7p (114.3p)
Others to 110.1p (106.0p)

Light to £45.00 (£32.50)
Heavy to £78.50 (£48.79)
Cast Rams £77.50 (£51.52)

link Longtown Primestock Sale - 10th May 2007
link Longtown Primestock Sale - 3rd May 2007
link Longtown Primestock Sale - 26th April 2007

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