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Stackyard News May 07

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    British Beef Back with £100 Million Bang!

In its first year back on international markets, beef exports from the UK hit 60,000 tonnes in the first year - double the original 30,000 tonne estimate from the Meat and Livestock Commission.

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british beef cattle
Of that figure over 70 per cent of the beef - around 42,000 tonnes - has come from England with the Netherlands, Ireland, France and Germany being our biggest customers.

Boosted by a £5.5 million government beef recovery grant, beef has been showcased by the English Beef and Lamb Executive (EBLEX) at shows all over Europe during the past year with further export work planned for the next 12 months. This work has been backed up with a series of 14 inward missions for potential buyers and seminars for companies looking to export beef.

Minister for Sustainable Farming and Food, Jeff Rooker said: "These results clearly show British beef has regained its reputation as being among the best in the world. Our farmers and beef exporters are obviously making the most of opportunities to market their excellent quality product abroad and I look forward to working with them and helping this trend continue."

John Cross, EBLEX Chairman, said: "The enthusiasm for British beef in foreign markets has been far greater than we first thought and we have been delighted at the response we have received.

"Our return to export markets has helped our farmers at home by keeping prices stable and we will work to ensure sales abroad continue and expand in years to come."

link Sheep Meat Exports Grow Despite Poor Second Half
link Longtown Primestock Sale
link Offal Market Opportunities

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Meat and Livestock Commission