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Stackyard News Jun 07

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United Call for Government Commitment over 2007 SPS Payments

The Country Land and Business Association, The National Farmers Union and the Tenant Farmers Association, today called on the Government to commit to making Single Payment Scheme payments for 2007, either in full or an 80 per cent part payment, this December.


The three organisations called for the commitment after meeting Lord Rooker to review the position on the SPS. They were assured that the RPA was on track to make over 96 per cent of payments by the end of June but said the position on the backlog of mistaken allocations and payments stretching back to 2005 remained deeply unsatisfactory.

In a joint statement, the CLA, the NFU and the TFA said: "While we appreciate the efforts that have been put in by Lord Rooker and the RPA, we are disappointed at the slow progress in completing the 2006 payments, and the large backlog of wrong allocations and payments.

"With this in mind, we have jointly requested that the government should commit itself to make payments for 2007 to farmers in December this year, in full wherever possible, otherwise an 80 per cent part payment."

The three organisations also took the opportunity to raise other concerns in the meeting, including the Hill Farming Allowance, the treatment of commons, and sugar payments.

link MP Adds voice to anger over Single Farm Payments
link Scrapping the Common Agricultural Policy is not the answer - NFU
link Who Will Pay For The Countryside?

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