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Stackyard News Jul 07

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    Grain Treatment Cuts Drying Costs and Boosts Feed Value

Farmers hampered by wet harvesting conditions can save drying costs and enhance feed value by treating their grain with Propcorn, advises Trouw Nutrition.

wet harvesting

Based on the naturally occurring nutrient propionic acid, Propcorn allows grain to be stored moist and maintain a stable and enhanced feed value throughout the winter.

With the cost of drying grain from 21% to 15% moisture content, for example, estimated to be £11/tonne, treatment offers the chance to make a net saving of £3-4/tonne, before taking account of the additional benefits.

“Treatment with Propcorn offers a cost effective and timely solution for farmers trying to cope with the wettest early summer on record,” says Trouw Nutrition’s John Twigge. “Propionic acid is itself a valuable nutrient, and we have shown in trials that treating grain in this way can improve liveweight gains in beef cattle by as much as 4% and also increase feed efficiency in pigs by 6%.

“Propcorn treatment of grain will also kill any weed seeds that may be in the grain, so preventing recontamination of land when manure is subsequently spread, and it will also combat the moulds that we are seeing in uncut crops at the moment. “

Grain can be harvested at up to 50% moisture content prior to treatment with Propcorn at the appropriate rate. The recommendation is to roll and treat the grain in one go, using a large industrial roller. This process is suitable for most grains, including wheat, barley, oats, maize and pulses.

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Trouw Nutrition UK