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Stackyard News Jul 07

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MPs’ Dairy Group Welcomes Further Milk Price Success

Shrewsbury & Atcham MP Daniel Kawczynski, Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Dairy Farming, is delighted at this week’s news that supermarket giant Sainsbury’s is increasing the price it pays to farmers for their milk for the second time this year.


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“The future of our dairy farming industry is dependent on making milk production viable for the farmers in this country,” explained Mr Kawczynski. “We have been calling on the supermarkets and on the Government to allow dairy farmers to make a viable living, by ensuring that they receive adequate prices for the milk they produce.”

He continued, “although the response of Government is still minimal, the supermarkets are really starting to listen to the arguments we are putting forwarded. Sainsbury’s will be paying 1p per litre more to its dairy producers from the beginning of next week, without any strings attached, which can only benefit the industry.”

Sainsbury’s are also expanding the general assistance they are giving to support the British dairy industry, including expanding their Dairy Development Group to include cheese producers as well as milk.

The move by Sainsbury’s follows similar moves by Tesco.

“I hope that all our other supermarkets and retailers will be following suit,” concluded Mr Kawczynski, “by pursuing this encouraging trend which may just prevent our dairy industry from collapsing.”

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Daniel Kawczynski