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Stackyard News Jul 07

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EBLEX Beefs Up Eating Quality

Bos indicus genetics (‘zebu genes’) have now been excluded from the English Beef and Lamb Executive (EBLEX) Quality Standard beef scheme.

EBLEX says Zebu breeds produce meat with an
overall poorer eating quality.

zebu cattle

Under the new requirement, which has been agreed by Defra, the zebu gene must not appear in any beef or beef products that carry the Quality Standard Mark. 

John Cross, EBLEX Chairman said: “The Quality Standard Mark exists to differentiate quality beef and lamb from global commodity product on the retail shelf.

 “As part of our long term strategy, EBLEX keeps the scheme under constant review to ensure the eating quality requirement reflects industry developments.

“Research shows that tropically adapted Zebu breeds produce meat with an overall poorer eating quality and more variability than that from British or European breeds (bos taurus).

“As a result, in April our Quality Standard Technical Advisory Committee decided to exclude zebu genetics from the scheme as confirmation of the EBLEX commitment to eating quality.”

Members of the Quality Standard Mark Scheme are being notified of the change.

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