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Stackyard News Aug 07

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Cogent Desmond Rates Highly in Holstein PLI Rankings

Newly released Cogent Desmond has immediately shot in at number 5 on the UK updated Profitable Lifetime Index (PLI) rankings of available UK proven Holstein Bulls.

070726-01F Outerford Desmond Ingrid

070726-01F Outerford Desmond Ingrid

This new production specialist with +706kgs Milk +0.08% Fat, +0.09% protein and +1.2 Type Merit has an outstanding PLI of +£204. This superb production, the ability to reduce somatic cell counts and increase daughter lifespan by 0.2 lactations are all focused to achieve better dairy cow fitness through breeding.

Desmond is a R Marshall son bred from 2 generations of nucleus proven dams, from the famous Ladys-Manor Terri family that bred the renowned Winchester & Wildman.

Progeny evaluator Katie Miller states, “Desmond daughters are powerful cattle with the will to milk combined with the ability to carry extra condition. These wide chested and rumped cattle are ideal for modern dairy systems with good udders, legs and feet topped by super management traits and calving ease.

Desmond is now available at a special introductory price of £12/ straw to Visions members and £20 to non members.

Roumare adds more daughters to his proof making him climb up the type rankings to No 5 at +3.2TM. This international sire of sons excels for dairy strength, feet & legs and udders with exceptional production. C’est magnifique!

Netherside Dynamo remains the highest milk bull in the breed with positive fat and protein percentages. This combined with outstanding strength and locomotion and a TM of +1.9 makes him an easily used bull.

Overside Dictator is on the move for production again making a significant increase in his milk to +478kgs resulting from his daughters level lactation curves. This Dellia sensation really offers the complete package of type +2.1 TM, Production +478kgs +0.12%%Fat +0.02%Protein and a world class pedigree.

Dalbytop Phil is proving to be a true all-rounder with the August run confirming his position as one of the very best daughter fertility bulls in the breed.  Phil has hit over 100 daughters in his proof; making a jump to 291kgs milk whilst still offering exceptional fat (+0.17%) and protein (+0.06%).  He holds firm at +2.0 TM with +2.2 Udders and +1.9 legs and feet.

link Raughton Sale of Holstein & Scandanavian Red Cattle
link Cogent Red Ribbon Series of Holstein Sires
link RABDF Calls for Milk Contracts to be More Realistic


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