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Stackyard News Aug 07

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dairy genetics Strengthens its Offering in New PLI Rankings

Still only in its first year of trading, on-line semen company has had another exceptional proof run with more bulls than any other stud in the top echelons of the new look £PLI rankings.

Alliance daughter, Hanna

Alliance daughter, Hanna

Changes to the PLI formula for the August proof run have given increased credit to bulls that transmit higher milk quality along with good functional type and health traits and high Lifespan scores. This switch in emphasis has propelled no fewer than eight sires into the Top 30 PLI rankings.

Leading the way is high milk Dutch Boy son Bobas who is the highest new entry on the rankings, and is one of six new releases from for the autumn. Bobas transmits over 900kg milk with just short of 60kg combined fat and protein and combines a £PLI of £209 and a Type Merit of +1.59. The company has a policy of choosing high Lifespan and SCC improving sires and Bobas is no exception with an SCC PTA of --12% and a Lifespan score of +0.2.

German proven Jesther son, Jesfa made an impact on the May proof run and has improved again to become the only bull on the rankings over 900kg milk that also scores more than +2.00 on udders, feet and legs and overall Type Merit.

US proven sire Darlawn Mtoto Hosea typifies the company philosophy of selecting for all round type production and health traits. Hosea has one of the highest Lifespan scores on the available bull rankings at +0.5 and is also a serious cell count improver with a PTA of -22%.

“With just under 450kg milk, a £PLI of 133 and an overall Type Merit of 1.83 Hosea is the sire to produce trouble free, long-lived cubicle cows,” says managing director Nick Kirby.

The company is also making an impact on the type rankings with Canyon Breeze Allen son, Alliance, who is one of the highest new entries in the Top 20 with a Type Merit of +2.9. From the great Laurie Sheik Canadian cow family, Alliance is out of a Comestar Lee daughter of Comestar Lausan Black VG87. Apart from great all round type Alliance is also a very useful production sire with over +400kg milk, +43kg CFP and a £PLI of 162.
The new additions to the stud have further strengthened an already impressive sire line-up and the latest catalogue offers 14 bulls over + £140 PLI, 10 bulls over + 2 on Type Merit and 14 bulls plus lifespan, which highlights only a few of their stud's strengths.

Details of the complete stud can be accessed via the Internet at

link Online Offering Enhanced with New Holstein Sire Jesfa
link Six Outstanding Dairy Farms Vie for Gold Cup 2007
link Capital Milk to Buy and Sell Milk on Behalf of UK Dairy Farmers


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