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Stackyard News Aug 07

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New Foot and Mouth Disease Scare in Kent

Defra announced this morning that a 3km radius Foot and Mouth Disease Temporary Control Zone has been put around one premises in Kent outside of the existing Surveillance Zone in Surrey.


beef cattle

This precautionary measure follows an inconclusive assessment of clinical symptoms by Animal Health veterinary staff. The national movement ban remains in place. In addition, in the Temporary Control Zone, general licences will not apply for the movement of animals to slaughter and collection of dead animals from farms.

Debby Reynolds, Chief Veterinary Officer, said:

“The containment and eradication of FMD remains our priority. This is why we have moved swiftly to put in place a Temporary Control Zone while we investigate this development in Kent. At this stage disease has not been confirmed, laboratory results will follow.

“We are in a crucial week for vigilance and planning next steps. Today’s developments are part of our ongoing surveillance and testing and I would take this opportunity to reiterate the need for the highest standards of biosecurity on farms, and for people to remain vigilant for disease and report any suspicions quickly.”

link FMD Restrictions Continue to Unwind but Vigilance Still Key
link The Glorious 13th - A Shot in the Arm for the Rural Economy
link Public Backing for Home Produced Meat Can Help British Livestock Farmers

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