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Stackyard News Sep 07

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NFUS to Host Introduction to SRDP 2007-2013 Meeting

In recognition of the new Scottish Rural Development Plan’s huge significance, NFU Scotland is hosting a meeting on Wednesday 3 October 2007 from 7.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. at the Urr Valley Hotel in Castle Douglas.

Urr Valley Hotel

NFUS members are encouraged to come and hear how the SRDP will work, what its objectives are and how to make the most of what’s on offer.

NFU Scotland’s Head of Rural Policy, Jonnie Hall, will speak on how the SRDP for 2007 to 2013 was developed, what its strategic aims are and outline its structure and funding. Kate Scott, NFU Scotland’s Dumfries and Galloway Regional Manager, will explain how the Plan is intended to operate in practice and how farmers might apply under different measures.

Jonnie Hall said:

“From agri-environment schemes and farm woodland payments to business development grants and less favoured areas support, the impact of the SRDP will be hugely significant in shaping the future of both individual farm businesses and the Scottish agricultural industry. While yet to be approved by the EU, and with the details of application to be finalised, it is clear that the new SRDP will be significantly different from what has gone before.

“There are many new opportunities available under the new Plan and we want to ensure NFU Scotland members are well-equipped to make the most of them.

“The SRDP has a strong regional dimension, however, we believe that business development measures must be a priority for every region as farming businesses have to be competitive and viable if environmental and other goals are to be achieved.”

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NFU Scotland