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Keeping Updated on Foot and Mouth News

The Scottish Government has set up a public foot and mouth disease text messaging service to help keep concerned parties up-to-date on Foot and Mouth disease developments.


Farmers, or other interested parties, can simply text FMD to 07781 482146 (note that FMD has to be uppercase). Subscribers will then be sent regular SMS text alerts about any changes to the foot and mouth situation.

NFU Scotland also runs free text and email update services for its members. NFU Scotland members can text their name and NFUS membership number to 07775 804717 for the text service or email to receive regular updates by email.

Anna Davies, NFU Scotland Communications Manager, said:

“Now is a worrying time for the farming industry and it’s essential that people can be kept well informed.

“Often in these circumstances, things move very fast and so the quicker we can reach people with updates the better.

“I would urge NFUS members to ensure that they are registered with us to receive text or email updates, or both, so that they can be sure that they are fully up to speed with foot and mouth developments.”

link Good Movement Discipline Essential for Best FMD Results
link FMD: Government Must Compensate Farmers
link Supermarket Summit Critical


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NFU Scotland