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Stackyard News Oct 07

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Farming Union Welcomes Lifting of Restrictions

Scotland’s farming union, NFU Scotland, has today welcomed the lifting of the final remaining foot and mouth disease restrictions, whilst highlighting the need for urgent compensation for Scotland’s farmers.


sheep in transit

All movement restrictions in Scotland imposed as a result of the foot and mouth outbreak in Surrey will be lifted from midnight tonight (Tuesday).

NFU Scotland officials are meeting with Hilary Benn, Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs this evening to highlight the ongoing problems in Scotland that have been caused by the outbreak.

Jim McLaren, NFU Scotland President, said:

“This is news that will be welcomed by many and is much needed. It will certainly go some way towards easing the frustration caused by the restrictions resulting from Foot and Mouth.

“However, the disease and its implications have led to an acute welfare and financial crisis in rural Scotland which has developed over the last ten weeks and which has now reached immense proportions.

“We are meeting with Hilary Benn this evening to impress upon him the need for the UK government to take moral and financial responsibility for this disease outbreak and the resulting damage. The UK Government cannot, and will not, be allowed to sit back and watch Scotland’s livestock industry sink into oblivion.”

link Scottish Farmers Meeting Benn Over FMD Compensation
link Tenant Farming Forum Launches New Entrants Consultation
link Resumption of Scottish Meat Exports Welcomed by Some


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NFU Scotland