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Stackyard News Nov 07

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Live Maize Harvesting and Crimping Demo at Exeter Site

Grain maize is a relatively new crop for the UK’s arable and mixed farmers but, according to John Morgan of the Maize Growers Association (MGA), it offers some exciting financial and environmental benefits.

maize harvesting

“Farmers who want to find out more about grain maize production should come along to the free harvesting and crimping meeting on 15 November,” he recommends.

The event, run by MGA and organised by ADAS, will begin at the Clyst St Mary Village Hall at 10.30am before moving to the Catchment Sensitive Farming Grain Maize Demonstration site close to junction 29 of the M5 near Exeter for the live harvesting and crimping demonstration later in the day.

Speakers from the Maize Growers Association will discuss harvest machinery selection and, in particular, the use of tracked and low ground pressure equipment and low compaction management when moving grain to headland trailers. Other topics will include, how to recognise target maize maturity, post grain treatment, maize grain drying and post harvest cultivations.

“Grain maize production offers arable and mixed farmers the option of a very profitable crop that spreads annual workload and extends the working season of arable machinery,” adds Mr Morgan “However late harvested crops like maize do present some environmental challenges if soil erosion and run-off is to be avoided,” he adds.

This event will be the fourth in a series of five planned for the current cropping year.

For further details or to book a place at the event, please contact ADAS on 08456 023864 or email

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Maize Growers Association