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Stackyard News Nov 07

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Better Returns from Buying and Selling Store Cattle

At the Borderway Agri Expo on 2nd November in Carlisle, the EBLEX Beef Better Returns Programme (Beef BRP) launched a new technical leaflet guiding producers through some top tips and best practice when buying and selling store cattle.


store cattle

“Finishers make or lose most of their margin the day they buy their cattle,” says Dr Mary Vickers, Beef Scientist, EBLEX. “Making a profit from buying stores depends on paying the right price, taking into account a realistic future market price and on-farm finishing costs.

“Total production costs vary from farm to farm depending on the system used, but there are some straightforward tips that beef producers can follow and targets they can aim for to get better returns.”

Better Returns from buying and selling store cattle looks at cattle presentation, marketing options, a guide to what finishers should pay for stores, managing arrival on the farm, and buying and selling options.

“For those selling stores, cattle presentation is key to attracting buyers,” continues Dr Vickers. “Good finishing potential requires healthy animals with good frame growth, so stores should be lean with potential to increase liveweight without becoming over fat too quickly.”

For more information or to request a free copy, EBLEX levy-payers should call 0870 241 8829 or email

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