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Stackyard News Nov 07

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    Brisk Trade for Best of Blacks in the Borders

Irish buyers set the pace at the “Best of Blacks in the Borders” sale of Aberdeen-Angus females at St Boswells on Saturday 17th November.

Trade was remarkably brisk, reflecting the high quality of the females on offer.

“We achieved a high clearance rate at satisfactory prices with only four yearling heifers out of a total entry of more than 50 remaining unsold,” said auctioneer, Jack Clark, managing director of John Swan Ltd. “All the cows with calves at foot and heifers in calf found new homes.”

Mr Clark said it was also encouraging for the breed that three new herds were being founded as a result of purchases made at the sale.

Top price was 12,000gns paid by the president of the Irish Aberdeen-Angus Association, Albert de Cogan, Killamuckey, Castlemartyr, Co Cork, for the 19 month old heifer, Duncanziemere Jody F223, from Alistair Clark, Duncanziemere, Lugar, Cumnock, Ayrshire.

Sired by the 2003 Royal Highland Show male champion, Newcairnie Pastor Z006, the heifer is a full sister to two Highland Show champions - a bull which went on to win the championship at Perth in October, 2004, and sell for 7000gns, and a heifer which was Ayr and Ingliston champion in 2006.

Second highest price was 5800gns bid by John Kissack, 29 Doctor’s Road, Ballymena, Northern Ireland, for the two year old heifer, Rawburn Edelweiss E390 from John Elliot, Roxburgh Mains, Kelso, Roxburghshire.

This daughter of the home-bred Rawburn Lord Ross C216 is the highest performing female ever bred at Rawburn – out of a Rawburn Transformer daughter – and boasted the highest terminal sire index of 36 of any Aberdeen-Angus female sold at public auction. She was sold in calf to Fruelunds Atlas.

Among the leading buyers of the day were Mr and Mrs G R Brook, Linton Farm, Wintringham, Malton, Yorkshire, who paid 5500gns for the two year old Rawburn Duchess Windsor E458, by the 25,000gns Wedderlie Netmark A281, and the top price for cows of 4000gns for the five year old Rawburn Black Bird B168, by the top American sire, Hoff Head of the Class SC534, with a heifer calf at foot by Rawburn Lord Ross C216.

They also paid 3200gns for the eight month old heifer calf, Rawburn Phillipa G681, another by Rawburn Lord Ross C216.

All were consigned by Mr Elliot who also sold a Rawburn Duke Argyll C206 daughter, the two year old, Rawburn Bloom E385, at 3800gns to Mrs Guttery, Haxby Yorks, and two at 3600gns - a two year old Cudlobe Yellowstone 1’03 daughter, Rawburn Evergreen E455, to new breeder, Andrew Hodge, Rules Mains, Duns, Berwickshire, and a Rawburn Transformer daughter, the two year old, Rawburn Eroline E481, to John Gilmour, for his Belheaven herd at Macmerry, East Lothian.

Mr Gilmour also sold at 3000gns for the five year old cow, Tofts Jewel Erica B339, and her heifer calf by Wedderlie Netmark A281, to David Walker, Galcantray, Nairn.

Embryos from two top American cows from John Elliot, Jun’s Bova-Gen Ltd sold for 1200gns and 600gns and five straws of semen from Rawburn Rommell E423, stock bull in the Rawburn and Idvies herds, sold for 1200gns with the proceeds going to the Aberdeen-Angus Youth Development Programme.

Averages: 17 cows (16 with calves at foot) £2220.44; 22 in calf heifers £2486.59; three yearling heifers £5040; one heifer calf £3360.

link Record 30,000gns Bid for Aberdeen-Angus Female at Perth
link Breed Data Highlights National Herd Changes
link Beef Producers Pledge Allegiance to Charolais

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