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Stackyard News Oct 07

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Lamb Radio Adverts Start New Campaign

A series of new radio adverts for Quality Standard lamb airs this week, marking the first phase of a heavweight advertising and promotion campaign from the English Beef and Lamb Executive (EBLEX).

lamb roast

The programme - which is being funded with the money announced last month as part of the Government's aid package for the industry - will deliver a national, mass-market message reaching as many consumers as possible in a concentrated period up to Christmas.

It is being run alongside EBLEX's existing levy-payer funded beef and lamb winter promotional activity programme, which includes a Christmas kit being distributed to butchers and foodservice outlets at the end of the month.

The aim of the new campaign is to stimulate still further sales of beef and lamb at a time when the livestock sector is under particular pressure and to help offset the major imbalance in supply and demand which has arisen as a result of the export ban.

The 30 second ads featuring Allan 'Lamby' Lamb, will be available to download from They are part of an integrated promotional campaign using the national press, outdoor posters, on-line and women's magazines which starts next week and runs through to mid-December.

This additional consumer campaign will be backed by trade promotional activity in the independent butcher, multiple retailer and foodservice sectors. In-store advertising using trolley sites and retailer magazines will be supported by point-of-sale materials and lamb recipe booklets in independent butchers and foodservice outlets.

EBLEX Head of Marketing Andrew Garvey said: "This is an ambitious and heavyweight programme of additional activity to support the industry at a particularly difficult time.
“The campaign has been designed to really draw people's attention to Quality Standard beef and lamb - in particular those consumers who tend not to buy beef or lamb on a regular basis.”

EBLEX will also use DEFRA funding to revitalise beef and lamb exports into key European markets in the first quarter of 2008 when England's beef and lamb sectors are likely again to have full access to the EU market.

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