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Stackyard News Dec 07

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NFUS Urges Prompt LFASS Payments Despite SRDP Delay

NFU Scotland President, Jim McLaren, has written to Mariann Fischer Boel, the EU’s Agriculture and Rural Affairs Commissioner, to urge her to ensure that delays in approving Scotland’s Rural Development Plan (SRDP) 2007-2013 do not jeopardise crucial Less Favoured Area (LFA) payments for Scottish farmers.

Jim McLaren, President of NFU Scotland
Jim McLaren, President of NFU Scotland

The Scottish Government announced yesterday that approval of the SRDP, which was expected this month, was not likely to happen until January 2008. Scottish farmers, however, were expecting to receive LFA money this December and many will have made financial arrangements in accordance with this.

Jim McLaren, President of NFU Scotland, said:

“I have written to Commissioner Fischer Boel asking her to do all in her power to deliver the assurances the Scottish Government requires to allow LFA payments to be made. These payments are much needed by those who farm in the most disadvantaged areas of Scotland.


• Submission of the UK’s four Rural Development Plans was delayed earlier this year as issues surrounding the European Parliament’s opposition to voluntary modulation were resolved;
• Scotland’s Rural Development Plan was finally submitted to the EU on 25 June, however, it will not be considered until January owing to ‘technicalities.’

link NFUS Tells Lords of Long-Term CAP Vision
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NFU Scotland